Motivation Concepts

Tutorial Chapter 6
Title : Motivation Concepts
Time : 9:00 am – 11:00 am (two sessions)
Date : 9 Feb. 2010

Discussion Notes

1. Motivation is originated from the french word “movere” = “to move.” It must be intrinsically or extrinsically moved by an effort that has the elements of INTENSITY, DIRECTION AND PERSISTENCY.

Intensity = arousal/how hard you try
Direction = may be positive or negative/has goal
Persistence = constant and consistent

2. ERG by Adelfer is a further research on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It differs in terms of;

a) Hierarchy vs simultaneously
b) 5 needs vs 3 needs
c) Social/belongingness vs status needs

3. Mc Gregor’s theory X and theory Y make different assumptions on employees behaviors. Thus their needs cannot be satisfied similarly.

X = negative; employees are directed or coerced into performing tasks.
Y= positive; participative decision making.

4. Herzberg’s two factors theory ( motivators and hygiene factors

Motivators = intrinsic; growth (promotion), responsibility (placement) and achievement (successfully handling tasks)
Hygiene = extrinsic; policy (strict), salary (compatible), and work condition (QWL).

Criticism = self-serving bias/ tendency of blaming others.

5. McClelland’s nAch, nPow, & nAff

Achievement = Drive to excel
Power = Make others behave a way
Affiliation = Desire for friendly or close interpersonal relationship

Can use the core self-evaluation technique to check.

6. Cognitive evaluation theory = extrinsic rewards will decrease the internal satisfaction of doing the tasks.

- Self concordance = Make it a fun process since the tasks are consistent with your interests and core values.
- If the extrinsic rewards are verbal = increase intrinsic motivation = more focus
- If the extrinsic rewards are tangible = decrease intrinsic motivation = less productive

7. Locke’s Goal setting theory = the effect that goal specificity, challenge and feedback have on performance.

- Better than simply saying ‘do your best.’
- Difficult goals = more focus, more energy/initiatives, creative/strategic & increase the level of persistency
- SMART = specific (precise), measurable (right device), attainable (realistic) , result-oriented (end-result) & timebound (target date).
- MBO = management by objective = a bit different from goal setting theory in term of decision making. MBO promote participative decision making.

8. Bandura’s self-efficacy theory = self belief on one’s own capabilities.

- Enactive Mastery = confidence because have done it before.
- Vicarious modeling = seeing somebody else doing it.
- Verbal persuasion = the power of speech; self-fulfilling prophecies = pygmalion effect
- Arousal = emotionally influenced.

9. Reinforcement theory by B.F. Skinner = work environement should be made suitable to the individuals = quality of work life.

- Reinforcement conditions behaviors :-
a) Operant behavior = behaviour elicits consequences
b) Operant conditioning = relationship between operant behavior and the associated consequences.

10. Adam’s equity theory = ratio of outcomes-to-inputs. Then, respond is made to eliminate inequalities.

- Tension is caused by underrewarded (anger) and overrewarded (guilt)
- Organizational justice = fairness in the workplace;
a) Distributive justice = fair amount of rewards
b) Procedural justice = fair process
c) Interactional justice = treated fairly

11. Vroom’s expectancy theory = the strength of a tendency to act and the attractiveness of that outcome to the individual.
b) Expectancy = Effort + Performance. Effort leads to a specific level of of performance.
c) Instrumentality = e.g. study smart. Since you are able to understand the problem practically rather than theoretically, you are able to solve the tricky question.
d) Valence = the perceived value attached to rewards

A) There are three issues to consider when deciding on the relative balnce between monetary and non-monetary rewards;
1. Value interesting works & recognition more than money.
2. Extrinsic rewards can lose their motivating properties overtime & may undermine intrinsic motivation.
3. Monetary rewards must be large enough to generate motivation.

B) Individual differences & needs theories tells us that people are motivated by different rewards. Thus, should link performance to valued rewards.

by Jakaria Dasan
School of Business and Economics
Universiti Malaysia Sabah


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