Quality of Work Life (QWL) - Part 1

Recently I read a journal by a researcher on quality of work life (qwl). There are several reasons why I am very interested with this topic. Above all, it is the center of my PhD thesis. However, it should be an interesting topic for the readers as well. As long as we are involved in any organization, we should understand thoroughly the meaning of QWL. As what the researcher stated that QWL increases employees' motivation to work harder and produce more, fostering loyalty, and creating more affective organizations. Therefore, if you are looking for the established environment with such atmosphere, why not read more on this topic. For a start, let take a coffee break reading my summary of QWL.

Lawler 1975; Davis & Cherns, 1975; Sirgy, Efraty, Siegel and Lee, 2001) defined qwl as the well being of employees. It means that qwl are those aspects of work that the organization’s members see as desirable and as enhancing the qwl. In addition, the organizational members should participate in defining qwl in their own language and meaning. I like the term “their own language and meaning.” It has a deep meaning in which employers need to ensure that they have the similar interpretation with what the employees perceived the meaning to be. Warr (1987) depicts qwl as the absence of stressors in the work environment. Here the employees need to understand some elements of psychology at work particularly on motivation theories. Hence, based on the definitions given, the researcher concluded that satisfaction with qwl is experienced when individuals are satisfied with interacting factors, such as optimal external conditions and social aspects, as well as being internally motivated by factors inherent in the work itself and which ultimately result in a sense of psychological well-being of employees. As we are moving deeper in the era of globalization, we might stumble on various flexibilities of qwl. As what Chelte (1983) further argued that modern organizations do not provide individuals with what they need from work. He cited Argyris’ 1973 theory of the mature personality that also emphasizes the notion of individuals needs and the lack of fit between organizational structures and needs. Perhaps, what those authors meant is that nowadays, employees have to adjust themselves with what already established in the organization. This tendency however should not be made as a common practice at workplace as employees who have mature personality will accumulate grouses from that likelihood. These grouses at the end become work stressors. At this point, I conclude that qwl has a direct relationship with stress. An increase in qwl means a decrease of stress or no stress at all. As long as the employers are able to ensure a condusive atmosphere, the productivity can be assured and quality services can be maintained.

QWL is a broad aspect concerning organization. I prefer to look at how qwl affect employees’ attitudes in term of internal mobility programmes of job placement or transfer and promotion. In my PhD research, I focus my study on the development of sense of belonging among academicians in Malaysian public universities through virtuous internal mobility programmes of job placement and promotion. General perception states that employers have to establish a sound and promising career development as this is part of what qwl meant to be. (to be continued)

by Jakaria Dasan
School of Business and Economics
Universiti Malaysia Sabah


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