Prestigious academic career: To whom the prestige is really belonged to?
Prestigious academic career: To whom the prestige is belonged to?
The “publish or perish” attitude of the academics is one of the mechanisms to determine the prestigious of a university (Anonymous, 2014). In other words, the scholar’s research that was turn into publication might receive high recognition from academic community around the globe which will give credit to the university or institution where the scholar is belonged to. Through this achievement, the university is capable of improving its reputation in university ranking (Times Higher Education, 2017). Since 2004 until the recent ranking, Times Higher Education acknowledges this contribution which is measured under the categories of research and citation (Times Higher Education, 2017). Mohammed (2016) clarified that the occupational prestige which involves the assessment of a person’s worth based on their job extends beyond an estimation of income earned or their usefulness in a professional network. Instead, Mohammed (2016) argued that it is more towards character assessment based. Due to one’s societal background since childhood, identification on certain character traits to certain careers had been subconsciously made. Hence, this is how the career gets its prestige (Mohammed, 2016). It is worth to ponder that in addition to career relative prestige, people consider choosing a career that people enjoy doing, the expectation on the money (salary) earned and the perceived kind of lifestyle that people want to live in (Mohammed, 2016). Therefore, if we go back to the issue here, it is the people who drive the prestige and not vice versa. Based on article review by Jakaria Dasan, Faculty of Business, Economics and Accountancy, University Malaysia Sabah.
Anonymous. (2014). Academic Career as a Prestigious Career? How true? Higher Education Network. Retrieved from
Farah Mohammed, (2016). What makes a career prestigious? JSTOR Daily. Retrieved from
Times Higher Education (2017), World university rankings. Retrieved from https://
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