
Showing posts from 2011

Cheated from death for the second time...6 Muharram (2 Dis), 6 pm

There is no scary story in my life than being cheated from death twice as a passenger to a friend who rode the motorcycle. The difference is that in 1993, my friend was in panicky state after seeing a lorry emerged at the corner. Both of us thrown down the cliff. Fortunately, I only had a fracture on the left knee and few bruises here and there. My friend escaped unhurt. I remember I was walking up in the sky, before the seven steps I heard my name being called up, only then I woke up from a short faint. It had taken me to September this year to end my phobia riding a motorcycle which I recovered after visiting Vietnam in that month. Since then, I had started to feel the fantastic feeling of riding a motorcycle again. Today, December 2nd 2011 at 6 pm, after only three months ending the phobia, the nightmare happened again. After our badminton game, I rode with my friend to our hostel on his motorcycle. It was at the nick of time, near the roundabout at CIMB USM, a motorcycle hit us at...

IMP...Islamic Manufacturing Practice

On 29 Nov., when my former boss called me whether I was free to joint his short visit to Sidratul Enterprise at Kuala Kangsar Perak, I gave him the positive respond. I had served YB Dato Seri Hj Nasir Tun Hj Sakaran, Sabah's Minister, for almost nine years. I had gained many important experiences that not many ordinary people can match up. It was my faith and still it is my faith to be loyal to him as long as he needs my presence. I still do the speech for him at the time where I am sleeping over the pile of journals. Sidratul Enterprise is located at Chenderoh. It is a halal manufacturing company based on herb's products. Led by Ust Abdul Rahman Tajuddin, the company has grown popular and become the manufacturer of many herb-based products in Malaysia. To name a few, Qaseh a product which is labelled under popular Ustazah Siti Nor Bahiyah (perhaps the name is misspelled) is manufactured here. During the visit, Ust Abdul Rahman explained the whole process. It was a very fruitfu...

Generic Hypothesis

"Personality types have moderately affected the relationship between passion and academic career choice." This hypothesis is a generic hypothesis since there is no specification on what type of personality we are referring to. They are many types of personality being researched. RIASEC and Big-5 or FFM are among others the most popular personality types. I came across an hypothesis, "Proactive personality has moderate effect on the relationship between passion and career choice" which is more specific and can be tested.


My supervisor told me to beware of using questionnaire that is adapted or adopted. If the questionnaire is adapted, it means it's not original. The questionnaire has been changed to suit the context of the latest author. Therefore, we need to seek the original questionnaire from the first author. In the case where the author is adopting the questionnaire it means the questionnaire has been used as it is from the original author. Hence, we may use as it is or adapt it.

Role Models and Prestige in Career Choice

It was found that role models and prestige were not ranked as important career influence among students taking medical career (Scott, Abu-Laban, Gowans,Wright, & Brennies, 2009). However, towards the end of their study, the influence of role models and prestige will prevail. Perceived prestige is seen as directly related to specific career choices, while role models broadly influence the career choice. Based on the finding by Scott and colleagues (2009), I predict a mix result from my respondents who are undergraduate students in the public universities. They might not give an accurate judgement on choosing academic as their career choice. (extract of my PhD's research)

MyArticle: The Effects of Generational Work Values on Academic Career Choice

Globalization effects have enable local universities to offer a standardize learning of higher education locally. Thus, there is a massification of higher education that sees the growing intake of foreign students. This has caused an urgency to ensure enough supply of credible academics in Malaysia’s public universities beyond 2020 where Malaysia will become a fully developed nation. Every sector including higher education institutions has to be prepared. Therefore, there is a need to attract Generation X and Generation Y to make academic career as their preferred career choice. Nonetheless, the competitive remuneration package and flexible working conditions being offered by private universities, obstruct features and challenges in academia, and less obstacle on career progression of other careers have made academic profession in public university becoming rigid which might also contradict with some of the generational work values. The current conceptual study intends to envisage this...

MyArticle: Sustaining Academic Career

This study focuses on the likelihood of individuals to sustain in their career of choice when facing problematic experience with the employing organization. The problematic experience usually causes the unpleasant emotion that affects commitment level. Hence, this situation may lead to job-hopping. This is a tendency when individuals fail to regulate or cope with stress and emotion exhaustion. The unpleasant emotion needs to be stabilized through reappraisal or suppression. In addition to that, the right coping strategies have to be employed. Avoiding the problem will further deteriorate individuals’ emotion. There is a tendency for academics to avoid or to ignore the problem since they want to focus more on their tasks of teaching, research and service. Moreover, academic profession has been associated with caring-related job involving emotion. Thus, the current study is significant because of its concerns on the way academics regulate their emotion so that it will not obsessively in...

Legalize the Illegal Deal Under the Roof of The Legal

Few weeks ago, I read a post in facebook about a cost of photostating that charge RM0.50 per piece of paper. Surprisingly, it happens in the government compound, in particular, the immigration department at Komplek Putrajaya, Kota Kinabalu. I thought it is fair for the operator to charge such cost. However, the moment of truth prevails today. I was renewing my passport at the complex. I need to submit a passport size photo and a copy of my MYKAD. Luckily, there is a vendor operating a machine photostate and photo booth. Only after I paid the cost of photostate did I realize why it did matter to the facebook friend posting his frustration. To photostate an IC, one has to pay RM 1.00 since each side of the IC costs RM0.50. capitalist, it is business. However, to people it can be classified as "daylight robbery." Does the office feel comfortable with the cost being charged? Hence, putting the motto, "government care" in jeopardy? Academically, this is one of...

Bingkisan Hati Sang Pemburu Ilmu

Betah aku melalui lara kejahilan Kesunyian melanda kala nafas berdegup kencang Sedang waktu membisu pada lagu kesamaran Bungkam dan longlai serta lesu menyelimuti kekusutan Mengintai nur di sebalik tirai warisan Pasrah pada sisa tekad di setiap liku pencarian Mujur kendati kudrat masih mampu bertahan Mujur hati nurani masih kukuh pedoman Dalam gelap kekaburan Bersuluhkan... bergenggam harapan Dalam tandus kekeliruan Berbekalkan... berpusu impian Dalam getar keresahan Bersandarkan... bertimpa persoalan Hanya kepada-Mu Tuhan Ku pohon kekebalan menempuh taufan kerunduman Mengubah minda yang penuh kedaifan Pada mula gerak perjuangan nukilan: waris basun

Summarizing Each Paragraph

A critic from my supervisor on my first accepted paper turns to be a tip that makes me understand better on how to improve my paper. After commenting on the paper as being so vague and out of the context, she asked me to do a summary for each paragraph I wrote. Once doing it, I found it very effective in ensuring that our idea flows smoothly. Thanks to my supervisor!

Talent vs Skills

Sharing is caring. Talent and Skills are often used interchangeably. However, each has a different meaning. Talent is mostly inherited, while skills are learned and developed. Leaders need both... I'm lacking the second... Thus, to manage I need to have supportive followers!

Managing Effectively

Respect millions of cells that form brain. Never manage others as guided by your cells.

MY PROGRESS: Universalism and Particularism

Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1998) came up with seven dimensions of culture which include universalism and particularism. Universalism emphasizes on rules, while particularism stresses on relationship. In order for one to achieve success, one needs to struggle and work hard. This is what meant by universalism. On the other hand, working hard does not promise a success. Relationship is mandatory which constitute the accepted norm of particularism. In career success, one expects that one's contribution or effort is being rewarded extrinsically or intrinsically. For academics, research productivity has becoming an influential measurement to build their career success. The ability to publicize their research in high impact journal and then citations made by other researchers will contribute a big impact to their career success. They will be rewarded for that. A promotion which will be based on numbers of publications and citations will result on an increase in salary. These ex...