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I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep, I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion."

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep, I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. This proverb was posted by my ex-student (NT, SEMENDEK) Yet, at different perspective, look at this way, "an army of lions will always want to stand tall to eat the only sheep. But, an army of sheep will always push others to get eaten by the hungry lion..." Kejayaan atau kegagalan sesebuah organisasi banyak bergantung kepada faktor kepimpinannya. Dalam hubungan ini, HR atau Sumber Manusia merupakan salah satu daripada teras utama yang perlu dirancang, dan dicanai dengan sebaiknya. Pemimpin perlu mahir dan bijak serta prihatin mengenai keterhadan yang menutup ruang dan peluang kakitangan untuk meningkat maju dalam kerjaya. Khususnya, dalam hal sumber manusia yang berkaitan dengan perjawatan.  HR perlu ada sentuhan jiwa, agar jasad tidak hanya berhias pangkat, sedangkan rohani tandus nurani. Kelak akan hilang humanisasi dalam organisasi. Ini tidak bermakna, pemimpin bertind...




          Congrat to My Dear Alisa Shamira and her UPSR's mates...

L.O. Ushering Etiquette

         Wikipedia defines a  liaison officer  (LO) as a person that liaises between two organizations to communicate and coordinate their activities. The purpose is to best utilize the available resources for the mutual attainment of both organization. LO was best described in the military context in which the utilisation of LO could protect units from collateral damage whereby LO provides technical information in responding toward a situation. Practically, LO has been widely used in event management. Organising committee will appoint few people to become LOs to handle the organizer’s special guests. In this context, LO suits the customary code of polite behaviour in society or among members of a particular profession or group (wikipedia). Among the tasks for LO is to usher the guest throughout the occasion. Usher refers to the act of showing or guiding someone somewhere (Wikipedia). To successfully perform the job as LO, one needs t...

BT11903: Tutorial Note "Job Interview-The STAR is born!"


Building Career: Tutorial Note

          In one of the classes, I shared with the students the importance of having common sense. Especially, when attending job interview. If the interviewer asks a mathematical question, he or she is expecting a contextual answer. Applied an extraordinaire common sense!           Be alert of the language used by the interviewer. If you were asked in English, try to answer in English. Do not proudly answer the interviewer in Malay. He is testing your effort in speaking (English).          As a fresh graduate share your internship experience and co-curriculum activities when asked about social experience. Interviewer would like to know your interpersonal skills.          



Sample of Slide Presentation


Catch Me If You Can

It is very difficult to catch an owl. But, sometimes luck makes impossible to be possible. Nonetheless, we cannot depend on luck. We need to find ways to get what we need. We must learn the ways.           In group assignment, you are shown the ways since the beginning. Still many of you take them for granted. Hoping that you know what to write. All this time you never jot down points to write. At the end you lost the 'you think you know thing." Only when you are about to type the first sentence, you realize that you cannot catch what the question is about.

An Owl Day Off

It's very rare to find an owl in a broad day light. It is either the owl is out of idea where to hide or it is because of the exhaustion after flying everywhere every night. It ends up hanging on wherever it feels safe and secure. It is a day off for all night shift work.

Faculty's visit to SEDCO Group Chairman...Corporate Relation


LR vs Discussion

Discussion Part Discussion is a part where you discuss further what you know about the question. In order to write discussion, you need support (fact) from past studies as written in Literature Review. "LR adalah mengenai apa yg orang dulu buat. Manakala, "discussion" mengenai apa yg kita rasa perlu dilakukan berdasarkan kepada apa yg pernah orang dulu (LR) buat." Jackarea Dawson

Habit of Numbering the Headings

I notice that most of you use to write heading like this; 1.0 Introduction or 1.0 INTRODUCTION In APA writing syle, you need to write it in boldface, without number and located in the middle of page as follow;                                                                     Introduction


(pg. 37, 193-214)                                                                           References          You must acknowledge the work that people in the past wrote about. This is the act called doing "citation" in which you only write the name of the person/people in the paragraph. The full detail of the work is written at the end of your writing. Beware of the differences in writing the reference for book, article, internet sources etc. (study them in page 193-214)/          References must be written in the middle, refer to heading format. It should be written in the new page. For example, if your conclusion ends in page 9. The Reference section should be written in page 10. Jackarea Dawson

Writing Discussion for Essay

(pg. 35-36)                                                                             Discussion          I n research, discussion part is where you state your stand on the research based on your stated hypotheses. This part is written after Result's Section. Author will examine, interpret and qualify the result and draw inferences and conclusion for them.                   For essay writing, like the assignment, you are expected to merely review some findings/results in the past (LR) and used them for the current or future use or application. You need to re-state your LR in present tense or future tense form.You need to explain (with the readers) its usefulness. Discussion section ends up with reasoned and justifiable comme...


(Please open page 23)                                                                                Title           Title summarizes main idea with a style which consists of a concise statement of the main topic. Title identifies the variables involved and the relationship between them. Followings are some good titles (in relation to questions in Group Assignment for BT11903):                                             1)  Perception Improve Company's Performance                                  2) Linguistic Styles Improve Marketer's Communication Skills ...

Jackarea Dawson

It was Spring 1988, when my Texan Prof. asked me to write my name on the board so that he could pronounce it correctly. The name became my pseudonym in many writings till now.

What is LR?












Communicating Across Cultures

Communicating Across Cultures 1 Objectives 1. To understand people behavior in different culture. 2. To prevent misunderstanding as a result of conflicting culture. 3. To respect differences when dealing with different culture. 4. To communicate the right message in different culture Contents The Concept of Culture a) Objective culture (big ‘C’) is made by humans…, theater, legal systems, economics, cooking, fashion b) Subjective culture (little ‘c’) is language, behavior, patterns of thinking and values *Much of subjective culture is hidden and only a little bit is on the surface. Intercultural Encounters •           Problems only come up when one encounters someone who is not from their own culture and there is no longer a shared assumption about the “right” way. •  ...