Cheated from death for the second time...6 Muharram (2 Dis), 6 pm
There is no scary story in my life than being cheated from death twice as a passenger to a friend who rode the motorcycle. The difference is that in 1993, my friend was in panicky state after seeing a lorry emerged at the corner. Both of us thrown down the cliff. Fortunately, I only had a fracture on the left knee and few bruises here and there. My friend escaped unhurt. I remember I was walking up in the sky, before the seven steps I heard my name being called up, only then I woke up from a short faint. It had taken me to September this year to end my phobia riding a motorcycle which I recovered after visiting Vietnam in that month. Since then, I had started to feel the fantastic feeling of riding a motorcycle again. Today, December 2nd 2011 at 6 pm, after only three months ending the phobia, the nightmare happened again. After our badminton game, I rode with my friend to our hostel on his motorcycle. It was at the nick of time, near the roundabout at CIMB USM, a motorcycle hit us at...