
Showing posts from July, 2011

Legalize the Illegal Deal Under the Roof of The Legal

Few weeks ago, I read a post in facebook about a cost of photostating that charge RM0.50 per piece of paper. Surprisingly, it happens in the government compound, in particular, the immigration department at Komplek Putrajaya, Kota Kinabalu. I thought it is fair for the operator to charge such cost. However, the moment of truth prevails today. I was renewing my passport at the complex. I need to submit a passport size photo and a copy of my MYKAD. Luckily, there is a vendor operating a machine photostate and photo booth. Only after I paid the cost of photostate did I realize why it did matter to the facebook friend posting his frustration. To photostate an IC, one has to pay RM 1.00 since each side of the IC costs RM0.50. capitalist, it is business. However, to people it can be classified as "daylight robbery." Does the office feel comfortable with the cost being charged? Hence, putting the motto, "government care" in jeopardy? Academically, this is one of...

Bingkisan Hati Sang Pemburu Ilmu

Betah aku melalui lara kejahilan Kesunyian melanda kala nafas berdegup kencang Sedang waktu membisu pada lagu kesamaran Bungkam dan longlai serta lesu menyelimuti kekusutan Mengintai nur di sebalik tirai warisan Pasrah pada sisa tekad di setiap liku pencarian Mujur kendati kudrat masih mampu bertahan Mujur hati nurani masih kukuh pedoman Dalam gelap kekaburan Bersuluhkan... bergenggam harapan Dalam tandus kekeliruan Berbekalkan... berpusu impian Dalam getar keresahan Bersandarkan... bertimpa persoalan Hanya kepada-Mu Tuhan Ku pohon kekebalan menempuh taufan kerunduman Mengubah minda yang penuh kedaifan Pada mula gerak perjuangan nukilan: waris basun

Summarizing Each Paragraph

A critic from my supervisor on my first accepted paper turns to be a tip that makes me understand better on how to improve my paper. After commenting on the paper as being so vague and out of the context, she asked me to do a summary for each paragraph I wrote. Once doing it, I found it very effective in ensuring that our idea flows smoothly. Thanks to my supervisor!

Talent vs Skills

Sharing is caring. Talent and Skills are often used interchangeably. However, each has a different meaning. Talent is mostly inherited, while skills are learned and developed. Leaders need both... I'm lacking the second... Thus, to manage I need to have supportive followers!

Managing Effectively

Respect millions of cells that form brain. Never manage others as guided by your cells.